If you are looking for a quick Asian noodle fix with added protein, Chicken Lo Mein is the perfect fit. Ready in under 20 minutes and it will fill your belly with happiness, Lets do it 🙂
I have been a noodle addict for quite some time now, and this is my quick lunch solution. Although I find myself eating this particular recipe quite often at any time of day.
So what is Lo Mein? Lo Mein is Chow Mein’s twin brother and translates roughly to stirred noodles. So basically a stir-fry made with wheat pasta, soy sauce, sesame oil and added vegetables. Some of the basic veggies you need for a good Lo Mein are green onions, carrots, peppers, cabbage, mushrooms and broccoli.
The recipe is quite forgiving so don’t worry if you are missing some of the ingredients just make sure you have the basics and soy sauce.
A question often associated with Asian dishes is: Do I need a Wok??? Now, don’t tell this to “uncle roger” but trust me, this recipe will taste great even if you cook it in a normal pan. No doubt wok’s are great and I love my wok, but not everyone has one so just use a normal large heavy frying pan and get on with your Lo Mein 😀
If you have never made a Lo Mein before, don’t worry. Today is the day we seduce you in to the Asian Stir-fry club with my all-time-favourite Chicken Lo Mein.
How easy is to make Chicken Lo Mein?
The only thing easier than making Chicken Lo Mein is ordering it from your local delivery but what fun is that? Not only is it easy to make its ridiculously cheap and still nutritious. Trust me, once you learn to make this dish, it will be on your menu a couple of times a week, and you can make your own variations on the fly.
So what do you need to make a good chicken lo mein?
- First off, you need the basic ingredients to the soy sauce. And guess what, it really only contains dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, some sesame oil and a tiny bit of sugar. This soy sauce can be used on a ton of other Asian dishes, remember keep experimenting you never know when you might hit that flavour jackpot 🙂 so try with any Asian dish.
- .Chicken… yes you will need Chicken for a Chicken Lo Mein. Personally I like to use chicken breast as they are lean and full of protein. But I’ll let you in on a secret, I make this with chicken leftovers ALL THE TIME. Rotisserie chicken leftovers are frequent in our home. So just cut it up and use them in the dish. And the plus side (yes there is another plus side) The chicken is already cooked, this speeds the process up by atleast 5-6 minutes.
- Noodles for the people, go whole wheat. I just love the texture of Whole-wheat noodles but you can of course use any type.
- Last but not least, get a lot of vegetables and cut them in to julienne shape. The basics are Onions, Carrots, Mushrooms and broccoli. I keep saying this but try and throw in different flavours, you can add cabbage, bok choy and peppers. All goes.
Alternative Proteins
While this is a chicken recipe, you can really use any protein. Beef, Fish, Turkey, Seafood and tofu is just delicious with this sauce and noodles. Don’t like chicken? Pick your protein and fry it in the sauce. Voila.
Storing Chicken Lo Mein
Now to be absolutely honest, I haven’t had the chance to store Chicken Lo Mein for more than a day. Its just so easy to make that I prepare one or two portions fresh for lunch or dinner. And its so yummy that its usually all gone within the same day.
But if you have made a large portion and want to store for a couple of days, don’t stress. Just as with any protein, store the dish in a sealed container in your fridge. It will be safe for at least 3-4 days. You can also freeze Chicken Lo Mein and microwave it when needed.
The best way to freeze Chicken Lo Mein is to divide your portion in freezer safe Ziploc bags and freeze. You can then place a portion directly in to your microwave whenever you are hungry. Although this method will only save you around 10 minutes 😀
Dried or Fresh Noodles?
Finding fresh noodles is a bit of a challenge in our town, supermarkets mostly stock dried noodles. There is a brand of packed “fresh” noodles but they are not my favourites. I found that some suppliers provide fresh frozen noodles but I didn’t have a chance to try them yet. Then there is the question of Flour or Rice noodles. I love Rice noodles so I usually buy those for me, the rest of the family, not so much. So when I cook for everyone, its mostly wheat flour noodles.
In terms of cooking, flour and rice noodles are pretty similar. Soak them in bowling water until they are soft. According to the thickness they might need more or less time. When they are soft, remove them from the water and drizzle some olive oil over them. This will prevent them from sticking.
How its made!
First prepare the sauce, for detailed ingredients check the recipe below. But basically, put everything in a jar or small bowl and whisk until well combined. Set aside and prepare the noodles.
Noodles are usually soaked in boiling water until soft, but its best to check the detailed instructions on the package. No matter what the preparation method is, prepare them :D. Then set aside until we prepare the ingredients.
Its time to prepare the chicken, slice the chicken in to small cubes.
Now in a wok or deep frying pan, add a couple of teaspoons of sesame oil and heat to medium high. Add the vegetables starting with the thinly sliced onions. Once the onions are translucent, add the remaining vegetables and stir fry until tender. Now add the mirin and two thirds of the sauce along with the noodles. Toss and stir to combine. If you want a stronger soy flavour, add the rest of the sauce although 2/3 usually does the trick for me.
Cook for 1-2 minutes and take of the heat. You can serve with some freshly cut spring onions and extra sauce on the side.
You wont need a lot of tools to make this easy noodle recipe, here is what I am using. Note that the links below are affiliate links. When purchasing via my links I receive a small share which helps me keep the blog going. There is no additional charge for you when purchasing via my link.

Chicken Lo Mein
Lo Mein Sauce
- 2 tbsp Dark Soy Sauce
- 1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
- 1 tsp Sesame Oil
- 1 tsp Crystal Sugar
Other Ingredients
- 12 Ounces Chicken Breasts (2 Large Chicken Breasts)
- 1 pack Noodles
- 2 Medium Green Onions
- 2 Cups Mixed Vegetables (Mushrooms, Carrots, Broccoli, Pepper) Thinly sliced
- 2 Tbsp Mirin
- Mix the Dark Soy and Light Soy Sauce with the sugar and sesame oil in a jar or small bowl. Cover and shake until well combined. Set aside and prepare the noodles.
- Prepare your noodles according to the description on the packaging. Set aside.
- Sprinkle the sesame and vegetable oil In a wok or frying pan. Fry the chicken cubes until browned on each side. Set aside and cover to keep them warm. Now add the onions to the pan and fry until translucent, then add the remaining fine sliced vegetables. Cook until tender then add the chicken back to the pan.
- Add the noodles and 3/4ths of the Soy Sauce. Toss and stir until well combined with the vegetables. If you want a stronger taste add more soy sauce, otherwise save it for the next portion.
- Toss and Stir until all the noodles are well covered and the ingredients are mixed. Top with some spring onions and serve.